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…More than a conduit for ideas


Terms of Use


Africa Speakers Bureau Ltd, also doing business as (d/b/a) Africa Speakers Group [“The Platform”, “Africa Speakers Bureau”, “AfricaSpeakersGroup.Com”, “Africa Speakers”, “ASB”, “ASG”], hereinafter referred to as “ASB” is incorporated in Nigeria but. ASB offers its clients, talents, members, fans, and users, as well as any internet user with interest in ASB free access to the general information that appears on its websites, including

Internet users that access the ASB websites voluntarily accept and agree to respect the terms of use of the content of the said websites, and for such purposes accept the general conditions for access and use that are indicated hereafter. For this reason, users are fully responsible for their behaviour both while they are accessing the information contained on the websites, and after they have accessed it, and are solely responsible, to ASB or third parties, for any consequences that may be derived from improper use of the contents, or for any information that was not produced by ASB or not officially published in its name. Particularly, ASB refuses to accept any responsibility in relation to any information contained in websites belonging to third parties that are connected, authorized or not, via links to the pages of the ASB Websites.

The ASB reserves the right to refuse access to its websites to users that make improper use of its content and/or fail to comply with any of the conditions that appear in this document and which are accepted by its users, as well as the right to update, eliminate, limit or refuse access to, either temporarily or permanently, certain contents in cases of any improper use.


We use cookies on ASB Websites. One category of the cookie helps ASB to recognise a visitor after the first visit. This avoids the need to sign in where applicable the next time the site is visited.  In another situation where a visitor subscribed to one of our websites, this category of cookie stays in the visitor’s browser and will be referenced by the service on a return to one of our websites.

The second category of cookies only lasts for as long as a browsing session.

These cookies are not harmful, and its only purpose is to help us improve user experience. Users, if they wish, can discontinue the use of the website(s) or where the option is available, users can choose to alter the cookie settings.


These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) govern your use of ASB Websites. By accessing the Websites, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you should not use the Websites. You are strongly advised to read all the Terms and Conditions prior to using the Websites. You should also save and/or print out a copy of these Terms and Conditions for future reference.

The privacy of your personal information (such as your name, e-mail address, phone number, address, and other contact details) is important to us.

These Terms and Conditions, together with the Privacy Policy and the terms and conditions that apply to your use of particular areas of ASB Websites shall be collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us with respect to the use of the Websites. If you are uncertain about any of its terms, please contact us at and we will try to respond to your query as soon as possible.


The user agrees not to reproduce in any way, not even through hyperlinks, the ASB websites, or any of its contents, unless given the express, written, and permitted to do so by a member of the management team of ASB with sufficient authority to do so.

Where approval is granted, linking to our home page must be done in such a way that is fair and legal and which does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. To avoid any doubt you must not link to our Website from a linking site that contains any adult or illegal material or any material that is offensive, harassing, or otherwise objectionable. You must not link to our Website in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval, or endorsement on our part without our prior written consent. You must not remove or obscure by framing or otherwise, advertisements, copyright notices, or other information published on the Website. Our Website must not be framed on any other site.

A violation of this clause shall activate the plethora of legal options at the disposal of ASB as the same would be deemed a violation of the Company’s copyright policy. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.


The user must access ASB websites, and any of the information, contents, and services offered within, in full accordance with current and applicable law in relation to the matter and good faith. The user agrees to comply with the above and not to perform any forbidden acts with respect to the contents of ASB websites, and similarly agrees not to use any of the contents, photographs, information, etc, that appear in the website for any forbidden and/or illicit purposes or that might in any shape, manner or form be damaging to the image of ASB or the actual functioning of the websites and the services they offers.

Similarly, the user agrees to supply truthful information when completing the ASB subscription and/or registration form. On the understanding that the user is the only person responsible for the same, all codes and passwords will be kept secret. This is without prejudice to ASB’s right to disclose such codes and passwords when mandated by statute or an order of a Court of competent jurisdiction mandating the disclosure of such information or as may otherwise be required or dictated by public order, public safety, public policy or public health.


Among its content, ASB websites may include links to other websites belonging to third parties in order to provide the user with access to exchangeable information via the internet. If you decide to visit any third-party site, you do so at your own risk, ASB accepts no responsibility for the existence of links between third party websites and other websites that are not related to ASB. The links provided by ASB websites are provided for the purpose of providing information to users of ASB websites, but under no circumstances do they imply that ASB is the guarantor of and/or the party offering the services and/or information that is offered by third parties via these links.

When you access other websites or Third Party Services, ASB encourages you not to provide any personally identifiable information unless you know and are comfortable with the party with whom you are interacting and their privacy policy. PROVIDED ALWAYS that you are bound by the Third party’s terms of service and privacy policy and not that of ASB. The third-party, therefore, has the rights to enforce compliance thereof and ASB shall not interfere howsoever


Both with respect to the design of the website and to all of its contents, the applicable law will govern all issues concerning national and international intellectual and industrial copyright. For this reason, the total or partial exploitation of the contents (text, logo, images, designs, etc) that appear in ASB websites is strictly forbidden, as is any copying, reproduction, adaptation, modification, public communication, and/or any other action that involves the use of the contents of the websites unless ASB has authorized such usage, which in all cases must be expressed, in writing, and granted by a person with sufficient authority to do so.

We expressly reserve all rights in and to the domain names and and all the associated sub-domains. The trademark “more than a conduit for ideas”, and all other related service marks, trading names, or other trademarks relating to ASB’s products and services including but not limited to: “TheThinkSeries” and “Insights from ASG Speakers” is owned by ASB and may not be used without their express prior written consent. Other trademarks, products, and company names mentioned on ASB Websites may be trademarks of their respective owners or licensors, and the rights in such marks are expressly reserved to the respective owners or licensors.


ASB is committed to treating the intellectual property of others responsibly at all times, and we strongly advise visitors to the Sites to adopt the same disposition. If at any time you believe we have fallen short, and have infringed on your proprietary right, you should send a written and duly signed claim to us through providing, precisely, the following:

  • A reference of the application of the infringed material(s) on our website(s);
  • Contact address, phone number, and email address and;
  • A notarized attestation that your claim(s) is (are) true and accurate, and that a perjury penalty is accepted if the ownership of the rights claim(s) is (are) found wanting, in part or in full.


Subject to the terms of this Agreement, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited right to access, view, and print out one copy of ASB Websites and all data, information, software graphics, images, text, posts, and other content on the Websites, (“Materials”) on a single device strictly in accordance with this Agreement.

You may only view, print out, and use the Website and the Materials for your own personal, non-commercial use. We expressly reserve all intellectual property rights in and to the Websites and the Materials and your use of the Websites and Materials is subject to the following restrictions. You must not (a) remove any copyright or other proprietary notices contained in the Materials; (b) modify the Materials in any way or reproduce or publicly display, perform, or distribute or otherwise use them for any public or commercial purpose; (c) transfer the Materials to any other person; (d) use any Materials from the Website in any manner that may infringe any intellectual property right, proprietary right, or property right of us or any third parties; or (e) reproduce, modify, display, perform, publish, distribute, disseminate, broadcast, frame, communicate to the public or circulate to any third party or exploit the Websites and/or the Materials in any way; without our prior written consent.


To the fullest extent permissible by law, we exclude and disclaim all warranties, terms, conditions, and representations that might otherwise be implied by law in relation to ASB Websites and the Materials. To clear all further doubt, in no case is ASB responsible for any of the types of circumstances listed hereafter, which serve as examples for illustrative purposes only, or for any damages that may be derived from the same, against which it cannot and is not obliged to provide a guarantee: 1) Possible security errors that may be produced as a result of using virus-infected computers; 2) the use by third parties of elements belonging to ASB that lead to confusion of identity; 3) breach of industrial and intellectual copyright by third parties; 4) defects in the services or errors in the contents of ASB websites; 5) in compliance by third parties that may affect the users of ASB websites; 6) the websites or any of its services not working properly; 7) consequences derived from a malfunctioning browser or the use of outdated versions of the same.

We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Materials. Any reliance on any such opinion, advice, statement, or other information shall be at your sole risk. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to correct any errors or omissions in any portion of the Websites and to make any changes to the features, functionality, or content of the Websites at any time.


To clear all further doubt, in no case is ASB responsible for any content provided by ASB speakers (or talents) whether listed or not on ASB Websites. Any publication, whether sourced internally or externally, published on our platform constitutes neither an endorsement of the material nor does it represent our opinion.


You shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in connection with your use of the Websites and the Materials that appear thereon. The laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall apply to this Agreement and this Agreement shall be interpreted under Nigerian law, applicable Statutes of General application as well as international law. Any dispute arising from this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Nigerian Courts.


Access to our Websites is permitted on a temporary basis and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend any or all of the Websites without notice. We may suspend access to the Websites periodically to carry out emergency or scheduled maintenance or for any other reason at any time. Access to our Website is dependent upon availability of the worldwide web and we accept no responsibility for your inability to access our Websites arising out of circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

We have the right to disable your access to our Websites at any time if, in our opinion, you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement.


This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Superior Courts of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for the resolution of any dispute, action, or proceeding arising in connection with this Agreement or your use or non-use of the Sites, and you further irrevocably waive any right you may have to trial in any such dispute, action or proceeding.


Software available in connection with the Sites and/or Company Services (the “Software”) is further subject to Nigeria’s export controls. No Software may be downloaded from the Site or Company Services or otherwise exported or re-exported in violation of Nigeria export laws. Downloading or using the Software is at your sole risk. You also agree, consent, and warrant that your use of the Company’s services is subject to the extant terrestrial laws for the time being in force in Nigeria, governing internet or web-use, and shall be dealt with accordingly if found wanting in any material way.


We realize and understand that many children will visit our Websites but we encourage all persons under 18 to consult with their parents or legal guardian before submitting any Content or information to ASB Websites. We believe that ultimately it is the responsibility of parents or legal guardians to supervise children when online and recommend that parental control tools be put in place.


We may from time to time make changes to the terms of this Agreement. Any changes will be posted on our Website(s). Please review these Terms and Conditions regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes made by us. If you use the Websites after changes are notified to you in this way, you agree to such changes. If you do not agree to such changes, you should not use the Websites.


Should you find any content on our Website to be in any way offensive, obscene, defamatory, racist, harmful, inaccurate, unlawful, illegal, infringing of any third party rights, deceptive in any way or otherwise in breach of our content standards, please notify us by clicking and/or send us an email with the subject “Foul Content” at We take complaints seriously and on receipt of your complaint, we will investigate whether the content breaches our content standards or these terms and conditions and may, at our discretion, remove or block access to the content complained of.


ASB’s failure to insist upon or enforce any provision of these terms of service shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right of ASB.