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…More than a conduit for ideas

Speaker Appearance Feedback

We are pleased to have contributed to making your event successful. While the event is now in the past, our work is not complete until we have received your feedback on the performance of our speaker. To help us improve the quality of our service, kindly assist us with your honest feedback in the form below. Thank you

"*" indicates required fields

General Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Presentation Review

Knowledge of subject: How would you rate the speaker’s demonstrated understanding of the subject?*
Tone: Would you say that the tone of the speaker’s presentation was captivating, conversational and thought-provoking rather than formal, basic or regurgitated?*
Simple and logical presentation: How would you rate the information and the manner it was presented with respect to how it helped you (the audience) gain clarity and understanding of key issues presented?*
Timeliness: How would you rate the speaker’s organization, presentation flow and time consciousness?*
Audience engagement: How would you rate the speaker’s engagement with the audience with respect to the use of humour, personal anecdotes, visual aids or real-life examples to get the audience to follow his line thoughts?*
Question and answer: How did the speaker respond to questions from the audience?*
How would you rate the speaker in terms of the expectation versus his actual performance?*
How likely are you to invite the speaker to your event(s) in the near future?*

Additional Information

How helpful/efficient was the pre-event communication you received prior to the event*
How likely are you to recommend Africa Speakers Group to other organisations and/or event owners?*
Was the event filmed?*